Thursday, April 23, 2009

When the boat I work on pulled into Newport, RI early last summer there was one person that welcomed me into the sailing world with a smile! Francis was the first person who actually took the initiative to befriend me! And also the first Sailor, as I was working on a motor yacht. It is true, I don't know a single woman that could help but fall for him instantly. His eyes, blue like the Caribbean, his warm smile, and his ability to make you feel special, like noone else existed. A caring man, so talented and so fearless. He is an everlasting inspiration. I will always remember the day my boat was docking at the Shipyard, and out on the bow of Klosters was Francis! He stood there yelling out my name and waving, as if we had been friends for years. As soon as we tied up, he came over and gave me a welcoming kiss on the cheek and suggested a beer and some catching up later that evening. Of course I was thrilled to have such a handsome man giving me this special attention, but as things would turn out there was never the opportunity to sit down with him for that beer. I will honor Francis' strong and caring heart throughout my life. Love the friends that you have and cherish the time that you have with them.

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